We’ve been blessed with a very rainy, wet spring! I’m thankful for the moisture as it makes the grass grow and the pastures green, always a beautiful sight. But it does have it’s drawbacks as well – more yard work for one as the grass needs mowed way more often! It also makes it harder to put hay up for the upcoming winter as we are not getting much of a break in-between rains to get the grass mowed and sunshine for it to cure. I’m hopeful the next couple of weeks are going to give us the break we need to get the first cutting of hay done. Then it will be on to other projects. Our new place is awesome but we have a lot of tree cutting and clearing to do. Some of the trees are cedar trees and some are elm and cottonwood trees. Some have been around awhile and some are new ones just sprouting up everywhere. Our next big project is clearing a bunch of trees out of an old fence line so we can rebuild the fence along the east line of a pasture and build a complete new fence along the west line of the same pasture. By September we are going to be needing the pasture so we’ll be pushing ourselves to get it done amidst an already hectic schedule. In the meantime, the foals and their mamas are enjoying their small pasture and we are enjoying watching them out our dining room and living room windows. They tease and play with each other and then they just stretch out and soak up the fresh air and sunshine, if its available. We hope you are enjoying your spring as well in your part of the world.